Friday, June 18, 2010

Valu Scale and Color Wheel

Recreating the Color Wheel and Value Scale was fun. I had no trouble with the primary colors, red, yellow and blue. When it came to mixing the secondary colors, orange, green and violet I found myself to be a little more hesistant. I found myself second guessing on, am I going to mix to much or to little, was I going to have to start all over agin due to an error, was the value,hue, shade or intensity going to leave a visual lesson. I wanted them to be perfect.

I enjoyed working with the charcole in drawing my Value Scale. I found charcole very challanging. In creating the scale, I found myself using lines, and holding my paper up to a light to see of the shade was correct. I found if I used to much pressure, my shade would be to dark. To light of pressure I would not have enought charcole to design the proper shade. I enjoyed working with charcole.

I realized the amount of pressure an artist could be under when they are trying to draw or paint with out mistakes.Some artist are hired to create the drawings, I can imagine the pressure if I was told I had a dead line. Years and years of practice I would imagine. I wonder if an artist,atrue artist ever "lets go" of the feeling of making that big mistake that would ruin the whole drawing.

I was amazed at how I paid attention. Even though I have learned the color wheel numerous times, and my daughter thought I was nuts for being aprehensive. I still wanted to listen and learn.

View of Color Wheel and Value Scale:

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